At Lane, sustainability is not about meeting a particular mandate or gaining a competitive edge. It’s about doing what’s right. Yes, we comply with regulations. But we do more than that – and always have.

Very simply, we find all possible ways to reduce waste, recycle materials, practice conservation of resources, and keep the air and water at our facility clean.

Our promise on sustainability is this:

  • We monitor and comply with all applicable environmental, health, safety, and labor regulations.
  • We meet all state regulations for waste reduction and management, including maintaining a state-monitored Pollution Prevention Plan, which details our ongoing initiatives for reducing the use of toxic chemicals and generation of hazardous waste.
  • We operate an extensive waste-management program through which the vast majority of products used in our manufacturing process are diverted from landfills and instead recycled or properly incinerated.
  • We maintain an ongoing relationship with a local energy efficiency agency, Efficiency Vermont, to find creative ways to reduce our electricity usage and gas consumption.
  • We work closely with suppliers and vendors to consider greener products and input materials as they become available and meet our requirements.