Getting it right matters.
We have a saying around here. It’s that, “We give a damn.” A bit rough around the edges, but it gets to the point.
We care beyond what industry standards and specifications say is acceptable. We care beyond what’s “good enough.”
Chalk it up to a diligent work ethic or an enduring culture, but our people tweak and check and push and innovate until it’s right – whether it’s your magazine on press or the working relationship they’re building with you.
Our people realize their names are on each and every magazine we print. Not in the masthead. But their fingerprints live in how that magazine is experienced in the hands of the reader.
Simply put, our people care. And we prove it every day.
On Your Page.

Highlands, who immigrated from Vietnam in 1999, is an avid tennis fan. “I like Rafael Nadal,” he says. “Every point, he plays. He’s patient – and he never gives up.”

On being the only woman in our pressroom? “It doesn’t matter,” she says. “You have to be able to corner well – to anticipate and react. That’s what counts.”

We see this with Charley’s work on color curves, cover treatments, environmental initiatives (& more). At Charley’s hand, we were the first printer of nationally distributed magazines to print on recycled paper. It was Garbage magazine – and it was good.

Mike is the proud champion of our recent, company–wide ping pong tournament. He’s got one mean slam.